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Broken Heart


Broken Heart

I look into blank space

With tears rolling down my face

It’s hard to imagine why I’m this sensitive

I hate how fragile my heart can be


These, I told him right from the start

Mind how you treat it once I give you my heart

He promised heaven and its sweetness

And all I see was his goodness


And “BOOM” I fall deeply in love

Leaving my heart down at his feet

He starts to cradle and I feel safe

And I think to myself, oh how I love this feeling


But with time he becomes careless with it

And it starts to crack a tiny bit

I call out and say “look what is happening”

But he says “no you’re just imagining”


It happens once, twice and I stop counting

But I pray and hope that it stops

For this I cherish, I do not want to lose

I’ve got it on me like tattoos


I complain, I cry and I want it to work

I know love comes with its Thorne of roses

Maybe he cares but doesn’t want to show

I wish he does to make me glow


But one thing that is he does not know

All he’s doing is making me tough

Tough, strong, and cold

Ready to fold


Eventually, the time comes when I am numb

Too numb to care if he exists

And then he begins to plead for yet another chance

You had lots of them, but now it's too late


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