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Showing posts from October, 2019

Bended Knees

I had just finished with my book club meeting and was descending the escalator. Just when I’m about getting off it, this hunky guy bumps into me. And no, it didn’t happen like in the movies, there was no looking into each other’s eyes or sparks circling over our heads or any of those love at first sight movie nonsense. It was the complete opposite. I lost my balance and fell with my butt hitting the ground hard. I heard something snap like what you hear when cracking a knuckle. I didn’t think much about it until I tried pushing my weight off the ground, that was when this piercing sharp pain erupted from my right leg and halted my movement. Great! I just dislocated my knee for the second time this year. There I was sitting on the floor, screaming and cursing out in pain. The poor guy must have been terrified because I kept on hurling insults at him. Don’t blame me, I was hurting and it didn’t help that a small crowd had already gathered and there were a lot of ‘sorries and